Adventure in Berlin
by Gina (44-S-1)
The fast train from my home town was approaching the outskirts of the vast city of Berlin, capitol of Ger- many. It was on a Saturday in August, 1936, close to noon hour. When the brakes squealed to slow the speed- ing train. I suddenly awoke from my far away dreams back into reality. My heart began to pound faster. What would the afternoon in town be like, today? Would the dreams and visions which were with me all through the week come true?
What a strenuous and tiresome week it had been attending to my daily duties, at my desk in camp with reports and orders, or long before dawn leading the tanks of our batallion to the firing range, and then rid- ing all day on top of the steel monsters, watching and directing the gunners, shouting through the bellows of the guns and the roar of the engines. Or in the even- ings, back in camp, sitting among my friends in the officers club, drinking and talking about cars or horses, hunting or what not? There was men's business, tough and rough, and I was proud of it, proud of being one of them, wearing the uniform of the re-activated German Army.
But there was also my alter ego, sweet and dainty, waiting to come to life when I was alone with myself in the hours of rest and relaxation in the room of my apartment. Yes, there was Gina, the sweet child and girl in one, with her dreams of legs in silky stockings, of the swish and swirl of lingerie and skirts and with her constant desire to come out into reality.
How could I ever forget what happened the pre- vious Saturday on another leave in Berlin where I had planned to visit my cousin! While the train, like today, rolled toward the City I had glanced through a magazine and, quite by accident, my eyes fell upon an ad in wh- ich a Mrs. K. offered her services in corsetry, also for men. I had seen this ad before, but at this moment it struck me quite forcibly that here might be what Gina